
  •     A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, smile often, dream big , laugh a lot, & realize how blessed you are for what you have.

  • Don't leave something good to see if you can find better, because once you realize you had the best, the best found better.

  •    My theory is that maybe, if I keep my distance, you'll start to miss me. But so far, we're just growing farther apart.

  • Boys, stop saying u want a good woman if u don't even have good eyes to realize a good woman until she’s gone.

  • There's always that one person, no matter how long it's been or how badly they've treated you, if they say I love you, you will say it back.

  • Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times,if only one remembers to turn on the light.

  • A strong woman is someone who can cry herself at night,wake up with a smile on her face.

  • Your relationship with God is more important than anything ,coz u know for sure that its a relationship that will last forever.

  • Forgetting is difficult,remembering is worse.

  • A real king searches for a queen with intentions to love her. Not lie, not cheat, but to be loyal and cherish his woman.

  • Some men have a classy, strong, loyal and trustworthy woman by their side. If he isn't grateful to have someone like that, he's just dumb.

  • Sometimes I choose to keep silent, because I know if I try to explain myself, people wouldn’t get it anyways.

  • What hurts even more than losing someone you love, is knowing that they're not even fighting to keep you.

  • Just because the relationship ended, doesn’t mean the feelings did.

  • When you were a little girl you cry over a special toy. Now? It is that special boy.

  • You can never discover new oceans if you're scared to lose sight of the shore.

  • Love is when you miss him even before he leaves, when you could listen to him talking all night long & never get tired of his voice.

  • I don't need drugs, I want to be high on life with an overdose of YOU.

  • Keep your happiness, throw away your sadness. Life isn't easy but there are so many things that you can always enjoy!

  • Somewhere between dreams and reality, lies me and you.

  • A still tongue make no enemies.

  • The difference between fate and destiny is choice. 

  • My tone is a direct reflection of your attitude.

  • Every woman deserves a man who will look at her each day like she is the most amazing woman he's ever laid eyes on.

  • It's not the efforts that makes the girl smile. It's the willingness of the guy who do those crazy efforts just to make her smile.

  • The worst feeling in the world is when you can't love anyone else cos your heart still belongs to the one who broke it.

  • I can't say I miss you, because you were never mine. But I can't help myself because it's true.

  • I hate when something completely kills you inside and you have to try and act like it doesn't matter.

  • Like magic, people can go. But memories never fade away. 

  • A million words would not bring you back; I know because I've tried. Neither would a million tears; I know because I've cried.

  • Never Ask For A Kiss, Just Take It. ♥
    Never Ask For A Hug, Just Give It. ♥
    Never Ask Do U Luv Me? Say I Luv U. ♥
    Never Say I Can't Live Without U, Say I Live For U ♥

  • I guess when your heart gets broken, you begin to see the cracks in everything.

  • Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go,
    be what you want to be. Because you have only one life and
    one chance to do all the things you want to do.

  • Compromising ur values for others is lyk selling ur soul for those who dont evn remember that u took a turn just for their smile...!!!

  • Don't tell GOD how your problems dealing with you. Tell your problems how GOD's going to deal with them.

  • What men should know: a woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for so many things, but she will stick around.

  • I promise someday you'll regret losing me and you will think back and say: "Damn, that girl really did love me."

  • I wish I was stronger to say no. I wish i was stronger to let you go.

  • You were my biggest mistake but yet my favorite lesson.

  • On my deathbed, I'd find it easier to deal with the feeling of 'I failed', rather than 'I never tried.'

  • Letting him go doesn't mean you stopped caring. It means you stopped trying to force him to.

  • Never expect. Never assume. Never ask. Never demand. Just let it be, if it's meant to be, it will happen.

  • Stop crawling by sight, start walking by faith.

  • I wasn't born to fit in... I was born to stand out.

  • Knowing is not enough; we must apply Willing is not enough; we must do.

  • The older I get, the less people I trust.

  • Money can buy anything, but not everything.

  • A smile can cover your tears, but not your pain.

  • If i treated you, the way you treated me. you would hate me.

  • Winners make it happen; losers let it happen.

  • Keep trusting your instincts, open your eyes with faith and leap as always, harder and stronger. 

  • Beauty and perfection lies in the eyes of the beholder. 

  • Make an Effort, not an Excuse! 

  • Don't mistake my kindness for weakness.

  • Fear is what stops you. Courage is what keeps you going.

  • It takes two hands to build a relationship. With one, you can only wave a goodbye.

  • Trust is like a paper. Once it’s crumpled, it can’t be perfect anymore.

  • Those who hate me motivate me. Those who i hate inspire me.

  • Don't waste ur time chasing someone who's running away from you. It'd be better to walk alongside someone who feels the same about you.

  • Sometimes, all we need is a listener not an adviser.

  • People will hate you, rate you, break you and shake you. How strong you stand is what makes you.

  • You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. 

  • Choosing to be single isn't selfish, it's just smarter to be alone than with the WRONG person.

  • A girl will be the happiest girl when she knows that u make her ur everything in front of everyone, everytime.

  • It's easy to stand in the crowd, but it takes courage to stand alone.

  • Choose your words carefully. They may come back to destroy you.

  • Live life to the fullest & pursue all of your dreams… Everybody dies but not everybody lives .

  • We all need more work done on the inside. Let God be your interior designer.

  • Life is like pictures. You can look back on the moments, but you can never recapture them.

  • I wanna be the girl you fall for when everyone else is falling for you.

  • The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts while the stupid ones are full of confidence.

  • Real recognizes real & you don't look familiar.

  • Life can't be written with pencil and you can't erase a mistake, but you can start all over in the next line. 

  • Don't copy. Be unique! Don't compare. Be yourself! Don't go for less. Get the best!Don't wait for opportunity. Create it! Don't wait for the path. Find it!

  • When a woman is silent, she is actually screaming for affection.

  • If God Ignores your prayer, He is testing your FAITH.

  • I'm falling in love but it's falling apart.:(

  • If you don't go after what you want, you'll never get it. 

  • Stand in love, don't fall in lust!

  • I'm sorry but I can't walk away just like that, because unlike you, my feelings were real.

  • Your first mistake was leaving me. The second mistake was giving me the chance to realize I could live without you.

  • Live without pretending, love without depending, listen without defending, speak without offending.

  • Dear Tummy, sorry for all the butterflies. Dear Pillow, sorry for the tears. Dear Heart, sorry for the damage. Dear Brain, you were right.

  • There are no refunds on self-respect. Don't sell yourself short!

  • Never let your past dictate who you are, but let it be a part of who you will become.

  • Our eyes are placed in front because it is more important to look ahead than to look back.

  • Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must, just never give up.

  • Sometimes, pushing people away is so much easier than having to say goodbye for the last time. 

  • You know my name, not my story. You've heard what I've done, not what I've been through.

  • If you have bad cards, shuffling them doesn't make them any better.

  • Stopping at nothing and doing what's in your heart that you know is right means determination. 

  • Be happy. It's one way of being wise .

  • Never ever let your memories be greater than your dreams.

  • Never waste fresh tears over old griefs.

  • I hate when I'm crying and someone comes in or calls my name, so I have to wipe my tears and flash a smile.

  • It's funny how in a relationship, you start and end the same way; strangers.

  • If someone seriously wants to be a part of your life, they will seriously make an effort to be in it.

  • Sometimes u just need to distance yourself from people. If they care, they’ll notice. If they don’t, u know where you stand.

  • Nobody can make you smile for no reason, except for the one who has a special space in your heart. 

  • One of the hardest decisions made in life is to choose which bridge to burn and which bridge to cross.

  • Being single is much better than being with someone who treats you bad & doesn't care about your feelings.

  • Expecting is my favourite crime.Disappointment is alwayz my punishment...!!

  • "If She's Amazing, She Wont Be Easy. If She's Easy, She Wont Be Amazing. If She's Worth It, You Wont Give Up. If You Give Up, You're Nt Worthy"

  • I want a guy who I can talk about anything with, without being in danger of feeling either stupid or pretentious.

  • I'm the type of girl who can be so hurt but still look at you & smile and is willing to brighten your day even if I can't brighten my own.

  • Thank God I found the good in goodbye because I went through hell from the moment I said hello.

  • I cheated on my fears, broke up with my doubts, got engaged to my faith and now I’m marrying my dreams.

  • We want the ones we can't have, and ignore the ones that want us, and sometimes we end up with none in the end.

  • Sometimes the hardest things to say are those that come straight from the heart.

  • Call me old fashioned, but I actually take relationships seriously.

  • I am not addicted to texting, I’m addicted to the person I am texting.

  • It's always the smallest things that occupy the largest space in my heart.

  • Life is a battle of wills, not a battle of skills "The man who wins is the man who thinks he can"

  • Giving love is the highest pleasure, Receiving it back is the greatest treasure..!!

  • Being SINGLE is a lot wiser than being in a WRONG relationship .

  • Single doesnt always mean available.

  • Tears are 1% water and 99% feelings.

  • I'm single because I am saving myself for someone who deserves me.

  • Please don't leave me after making me feel special.

  • Once I've been hurt, I’m scared to get attached again. I have a fear that every person is going to break my heart again.

  • I'm crying not because of you. It because I thought you were the one, everything that I've been waiting for.... But I realised you weren't.

  • Assumptions are the termites of relationships.

  • Life is what you make it.

  • Day by day nothing changes,but when we look back everything is  different

  • Its better to step back when ignored,rather than waiting to be insulted.

  • Those we really love never go away,they walk beside us every day unseen & unheard ..still near,still loved,still missed & still felt in heart.

  • I always think of you before I fall asleep. The words you said, the things we laughed about, the silent moments we shared.

  • Dont be too honest,coz straight trees will be choosed first for cutting.

  • If you dont know,then ask me,if you dont agree,then argue with me.If you dont like,then say it to me.But dont start judging me silently.

  • Never enjoy hurting the one who loves you a lot,they can bare the pain you give;but you cant bare if they reduce love for you.

  • Our heart is the greatest cheater of the world.It makes thousands of excuses to stay in touch with the ppl we love.

  • Miss anything for your best life.But dont miss your best life for anything.

  • When odds are in a million,be that one.

  • I will leave something for you when I leave this world.Few memories in your heart,few tears in ur eyes,my name on your lips and my absence in your life.

  • Trusting a person is giving someone the ability to destroy you completely..but you still believ they wont.

  • Every relation feels good and best till another relation enter.

  • We are very good lawyers for our mistakes and very good judges for others mistakes.

  • Pain is ineveitable.suffering is optional.

  • Its always the smallest things that occupy largest space in my heart.

  • Single doesnt always mean available.

  • I trust you blindly;but please dont prove me im blind.

  • There is nothing like busy.Its always about priorities.

  • One of the best feeling in the world is to be millions of miles away from your best one and still be able to picture them when you close your eyes.

  • "Be this,Be that" isn't love."Be anything,but Be mine" is love.

  • The happiest person doesnt have the best of everything in life.Perhaps he is just good in making the best of everything.

  • Do not mix your words with your mood,coz u will have so many options to change the mood,but you will never get any chance to replace the spoken words .

  • Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times,if only one remembers to turn on the light.

  • Life is not about the ppl who act true to your face .Its about the ppl who remain true behind ur back.

  • Two things to rememberin life:Take care of your thoughts when u r alone and take care of ur words in crowd.

  • Sometimes u just need to maintain distance from ppl.If they care,they will notice;if they dont,u know where u stand.

  • Expecting is my favourite crime.Disappointment is always my punishment.

  • The height of candles may differ,but they yeild the same brightness.Its not ur position but ur ability that actually makes you shine.

  • I guess "i love you" was one of ur april fools trick which i stupidly fell for..!

  • Everything in life can make you happy.Everything in a day cant be satisfying.But there is one thing which makes you feel nice...dat is care for u in some1's eyes.

  • Never win someone with arguement but defeat them with your silence.Because ppl who always want to argue with you cant bear ur silence.

  • Before you break someone's heart make sure you are not in it.

  • My tone is a direct reflection of your attitude.some ppl accidentally walk over your feet and apologise...while someppl walk all over ur heart and dont even realise.

  • Your relationship with God is more important than anything coz u know for sure that is a relationship that will last forever.

  • Everyone in the world would say u hav changed a lot.But no one would look into your eyes and say,u hav compromised a lot.

  • Positive thinking is not about expecting the best to happen.Its about accepting whatever will happen will happen for the best.

  • Cutest feeling in the world is when u try to look at ur loved one in a crowd..u find dat he/she is already looking at u with a cute smile..!!

  • Our mind will pain a lot only when the person we care and need  more will only take us as an alternative in their life.

  • I smile to hide hte hurt.I laugh to chase away the tears.But if you look into my eyes,u will see all ma pain hidden der.

  • You will never know how long ppl will stay with u or how fast they will leav you.Life is just too unpredictable.

  • Love is when you take away the feeling,the passion and the romance in a relationship,and find out still u care for that person.

  • Fighting with the world is easy.U either win or lose.But fighting with a cared one is difficult..bcoz if u lose & if u win ;you still lose.

  • Keeping someone in ur heart is very easy.But to be in some1's heart is difficult.

  • I really dont understand why destiny allowed some ppl to meet,when ther's no way for them to be together.

  • We dont hate the person we ever loved.We only try to make them reaslise how it feels when we are neglected.

  • We always miss someone in life only for two reasons.Either that person was in your heart ar you always wanted to be in that person's heart.

  • Past is a good place to visit not to stay!!

  • Theres one thing everybody wants to feelTo be loved without begging for it.

  • You know he/she really cares when he/she asks what's wrong,and when you tell him/her nothing he/she stays waiting for real reason.

  • Happiness is a crazy mathematics.It multiplies when you divide it.

  • Result of being too good in nature is that ppl start using you.

  • We do not know the value of our moments;until they become memories.

  • Prayers and seeds are similar in nature.Both have nothing within,but hav the potential of creating everything.

  • Life is half spent before we know what it is.

  • When attachment dies formalities are born.

  • I adjust with many,and so they are my friends.I dont adjust with a few but they are my best friends.

  • A leaf which falls from a tree goes wherever wind takes it.Be the wind to drive others,not the leaf to be driven by others.

  • Im responsible for what i say;not for what you understand.

  • Life Is Unfair , But I Don't Care
    Roads Seems Closed & Leads To Nowhere
    I'm Living On My Way & Left Everything To Yesterday !
    Nothing Left To Say .. I Just Think Of it When I Lay ;)
    I Believe Soon I Will Get What I Need
    Cuz Always There is God Who Wants The Best For Me Indeed
    Somewhere .. Somehow .. Something Will Make Me Glow .

  • Its Hard When We Fall In Love With Someone Then We Get A Broken Heart ..But Harder When We Still Holding On That Person And Keep Waiting For Nothing !

  • I Wish That My Life Is Like a Movie That Contains
    Happy & Sad , Dark & Bright … Good & Bad Moments , Then Being Patient gonna be Worthy Because It Will Ends Happy Ending..

  • It's hard to answer the question "- What's..... W R O N G -"
    When nothing's - R I G H T - !! 

  • Wish I Have A Security Lock On My Heart , Then I Can be aware Of cheaters !

  • Time is not measured by the passing of the years;but by what one does,what one feels,and what one achieves.!!

  • Giving people a little more than they expect,is a good way to get back a lot more than you would expect.

  • A painter draws a painting "Door of heart" without handle..a man asked "why there is no handle?"..the painter replied "its coz door of hearts opens from inside not from outside".

  • Most people dont look for the truths of life..they only search for someone to agree with them.

  • In life we just want to gain those things which are not with us;but we do forget that we hav to try to regain what we have.

  • When someone says they have a question to ask yoy a question,you quickly get a mini heart attack and think of all bad things you hav done recently :P

  • If someone would ask me "who is your friend"? I would simply say "someone who will never avoid me just because of somebody else".

  • Be so rich that you can buy the most expensive thing you desire.But be so expensive that no richness on earth can buy you.

  • Dont let your past dictate you who you are;let it be a part of who you will become.

  • When destiny forgets to tie some people in blood relations;it corrects its mistake by making them true friends.

  • Lies dont end relationships;usually truth does!

  • When the mirror of life gets dirty with the fog of reality,just try to wipe it with ur faith in GOD,you will see the clear reflection.

  • I can't lose what I never had - I can't keep what's not mine - I can't hold onto something that doesn't want to stay.

  • I want to be the girl that changed everything, the girl that made a difference, that girl that gave you a story to tell.

  • When I am silent, I’m either over-thinking, tired of waiting, falling apart, crying inside, or all of the above.

  • Even the darkest of clouds has a silver lining.

  • My life. My choices. My mistakes. My lessons. Not your business.

  • I want someone who knows how completely insane I am, yet wouldn't want me to be any other way.

  • Once we have feelings for someone, it will always be there. We may not like them anymore, but we still care.

  • I can be surrounded by a sea of people and still feel all alone. Then I think of you.

  • It’s crazy how you think you actually meant something to someone and then they just turn around and prove you wrong.

  • My past is my best teacher for my better future.

  • Once I've been hurt, I’m scared to get attached again. I have a fear that every person is going to break my heart again.

  • Life is full of blessings and happiness but sometimes I’m just too blind to appreciate them.

  • I would never regret the day you walked into my life ...
    But YOU would regret the day you let me walk out of yours !

  • Life is the art of drawing without an eraser .

  • Dont miss the one who is ready to miss everything for you.

  • Pain is the last gift of true affection.

  • Dont fall for anyone is life ;until they are ready to catch you.

  • If he honestly cared about you, one bit he wouldn’t have left. Not the first time, not the second time, not ever.

  • Don't regret when you leave a pretty girl with bad attitude, regret when you leave someone who's not that pretty but has beautiful attitude.

  • Everybody deserves second chances, but not for the same mistakes.

  • Don't regret when you leave a pretty girl with bad attitude, regret when you leave someone who's not that pretty but has beautiful attitude.

  • Don't regret when you leave a pretty girl with bad attitude, regret when you leave someone who's not that pretty but has beautiful attitude.

  • Real men stay faithful. They don't have time to look for another woman because they're too busy looking for new ways to love their own.

  • One thing I learned about backstabbers, they're only powerful when you have your back turned.

  • A girl's favorite songs will tell us more about her feelings than her lips ever will.

  • You're like a song on my iPod that I always skip but never delete.

  • I think I need glasses, everywhere I look I see two faces.

  • My Life= a book with many chapters. Some are hard to get through, some are easy. I just keep turning the page to get to the next adventure.

  • You call them enemies, I call them people who wish they were me.

  • Life is full of blessings and happiness but sometimes I’m just too blind to appreciate them.

  • I can't lose what I never had - I can't keep what's not mine - I can't hold onto something that doesn't want to stay.

  • When I am silent, I’m either over-thinking, tired of waiting, falling apart, crying inside, or all of the above.

  • For every problem in our life, there is a song lyric.

  • That awful feeling you get when you love talking to someone but you feel like you annoy them.

  • To create more positive results in your life, replace ‘if only’ with ‘next time’.

  • A real man isn't measured by how many girlfriends he had but by how many girls cried because he said, "No, I'm taken and I LOVE HER."

  • God is the best listener. You don't need to shout nor cry out loud because he hears even the very silent prayer of a sincere heart.

  • Never shed a tear for someone who's not gonna be there to wipe them away.

  • It's better to be alone rather than be with someone who makes you feel like you're alone.

  • Boys, if you pay more attention to the words of every girl's favorite songs, you'll find out everything she's too afraid to say.

  • No one can tell you what love is, you will simply know it when you feel it.

  • God has no Phone, but I talk to him. He has no Facebook, but he is still my friend. He does not have a Twitter, but I still follow him.

  • All guys should learn from Mario Bros. No matter how far their princess is, they should go after her.

  • I want him to text me first just to prove I was on his mind.

  • FLIRTATIONSHIP; more than a friendship, less than a relationship.

  • A true relationship is when you can tell each other anything and everything. No secrets and no lies.

  • If I text you, it means I miss you. If I don't text you, it just means I'm waiting for you to miss me.

  • When i first met you, I honestly didn't know you were gonna be this important to me.

  • I'm sorry I mistook all our laughs, long nights, sweet texts & inside jokes as you caring. I'll think twice before wasting my time again.

  • The biggest mistake I have made in my life is letting people stay in my life far longer than they deserved to.

  • A boy makes his girl jealous of other women. A gentleman makes other women jealous of his girl.

  • s(he's) br(ok)en.

  • Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself.

  • You make the weirdest sounds when you get a good stretch.

  • When someone is staring at you.. you secretly get self conscious and wonder what they're thinking.

  • The sound of the bell is the sweetest sound in the school.

  • You can't spell "good time" without "me".

  • It's annoying when someone comes into your room to ask you something and opens the door, but when they leave, they don't close it again.

  • It's really disappointing when you turn the radio on, and a good song is just ending.

  • When you finally finish your last exam for the year you feel amazing.

  • Your hair always looks its best when you're NOT going anywhere.

  • I want a guy who will see me wearing sweats, hair messy, and no makeup and the first thing he says is, "damn you look beautiful." 

  • Love unexpressed is a crime against the heart.

  • You die a little inside when you see the word "Explain" on a test.

  • I hate when my parents never let me go anywhere, and then ask me why I'm always infront of the computer.

  • My eyes during a hard test: (←_←)(→_→)(←_←)(→_→). Teacher comes by Me: (↓_ ↓). Teacher Walks Away: (←_←)(→_→)

  • My silence is not because Im mad.Im just giving you a chance to rethink about your mistake.

  • You made me feel like i was ur everything;but then you left me easily like i was nothing.

  • A girls's favourite songs will tell us more about her feelings then her lips ever will.

  • One thing i learned about backstabbers,they are only powerful when you have your back turned.

  • Love means a whole lot.Dont say it if u dont mean it.

  • The best vitamin for making friends ..B1.

  • Friends are kisses blown to us by angels.

  • Being hurt by someone is not the end,coz in every pain i feel,i know that im moving up toward to my special one.

  • You call them enemies,I call them people who wish they were me.

  • You can do anything you want to do if you put your heart,soul,and mind into it.

  • Sometimes not getting what you want becomes a turning point in your life.

  • Dont ignore one,who really cares for you..coz one day u may realise that u hav lost diamon while u r collecting stones.

  • Treat everyone with love;even those who are rude to you,not because they r not nice,but coz u r nice.

  • We never hate people we love the most,we only try to make them know how it feels when we are neglected.

  • Fallen flowers cant climb back but if the root is strong u can expect new flowers,so dont think of the past;just love the present and live for the future.

  • Getting whom you love is luck,loving without knowing whether you will get or not is true love..and loving while knowing that you wont get is beyond love.

  • Life is too ironic,It takes sadness to know what happiness is,noise to appreciate silence..and absence to value the present.

  • Life is just like a beach walk,we move with no end,nothing stays with us,what remains with us is the memoriesof some special peole who touched us as waves.

  • Invisible tears are the hardest to wipe;dont make ur loved one to have that because of you.

  • Beauty of belief in GOD: If HE doesnt give when you ask,surely he will give you when you need.

  • I have always been hurt by the one whom i love,always been loved by the person i dont love;the sad thing is though i tried to choose the one who loves me,but still my heart belongs to the one who hurts me.

  • The one who is true to you,can never go far from you,even after days together of silence,they just want to share everything with nobody except you.

  • Moving on is not always about forgetting the past,;its also about remembering it sometimes,but it doesnt affect you anymore.

  • If you have something to say to someone,just go tell the person by yourself before they hear the remixed version from someone else.

  • Am not strong enough to hold on amymore.

  • Missing you is not the hard part;knowing i once had you is what breaks my heart.

  • Trust doesnt come with a refill,once its gone,u wont get it back;if u do,it will never be the same.

  • Dont be someone's toy;when u can be someone else's doll.

  • Being alone usually looks sad to ppl..but being alone is far better than to have somebody who makes you feel alone.

  • I found my time maching,whenever i sleep in my bed int he night,i get up in the future.

  • Ppl usually change for two reasons.either they have learnt a lot so want to change or they have been hurt a lot so they reaslise they need to change.

  • Sometimes all i need is someone to hug me tight and refuse to let me go until i feel better.

  • Sometimes it sucks being strong,coz when ppl know that u r strong,they think that it is ok to hurt u over and over again.

  • If you start to miss me,remember,i didnt walk away.you let me go.

  • I think what hurts the most is having this picture of what we could be and should be.

  • Love is not about how much u say i love you,but how much u can prove that its true.

  • I know when to stop,i know when to let things go ,i know when to move on..but I KNOW is different from i CAN.

  • Some ppl wish they were dead,i just wish i felt alive.

  • I would never regret the day you walked into my life.but you would regret the day you let me walk out of yours.

  • Who said pain always hurts?? I always love that kind of pain in my stomach when my friends make me laugh so hard.

  • Some ppl will make you smile,some ppl will make you cry..but it takes someone special to make you smile after you have been crying.

  • I truely respect ppl who stay strong even when they hav every right to break down.

  • Think positive ,it shows a correct way,,think negative,it shows a safe way.

  • When God has already decided who will be our life partner,then why does he make us to love someone so much who cant be ours?

  • Lead ur life similar to a dictionary;providing meaning to everyone who refers you..

  • Life is a touch and go. Some ppl will be there for a while,some will go away..but ppl who find you special will always find ways to stay with you.

  • Happy ppl find the lighter side of the dark things.

  • Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.

  • Jealousy is always born with love but it does not die with it.

  • I was sure we were meant for each other, but I guess I was wrong.

  • She's wanted by many, loved by lots, and hated by a few, but when it comes down to it boy, all she wants is you.

  • I don't need your approval. Whatever I do, I do for ME.

  • I want a lifetime partner, not a part-time lover.

  • In a strong relationship, both people motivate each other to go further in life.

  • My ex taught me one thing; I deserve so much better.

  • In a relationship, the little things matter the most.

  • Love is deaf. You can't just tell someone you love them. You have to show it.

  • Acceptance, it's no easy, but it's the best choice you have.

  • I'd rather be single than to be lied to, cheated on, and disrespected.

  • Broken hearts will always heal, but will never be fully repaired.

  • Silence = the way to avoid many problems; Smile = the way to solve many problems.

  • The awkward moment when kids younger than you have a more interesting love life.

  • Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what your eyes can't see. 

  • A single lie discovered is already enough to create doubt over every truth expressed. 

  • Life is a goal and love is its destiny. 

  • Love is the only proof that our feelings never grow old. 

  •  To fall in love is so easy. Staying in love is a challenge. Letting go is the hardest part. And moving on is god damn suicide.

  • Things change for me, my friends leave, heart's broken, but my life does not stop for anybody.

  • I’ve got to believe I'm worth more than being repeatedly hurt by someone who doesn’t really care.

  • Some thoughts are better left unsaid, some feeling are better left kept to yourself.

  • Emotionally: I'm done. Mentally: I'm drained. Spiritually: I feel dead. Physically: I smile.

  • I don't want a perfect person. I just want someone to act silly with, treats me well & loves being with me more than anything.

  • When life is sweet, I’ll say thank you and celebrate it. When life is bitter, I’ll say thank you and grow stronger.

  • I deserves a man who will look at me each day like I’m the most amazing woman he's ever laid eyes on.

  • Sometimes, I have to test someone. Not because I don't trust him but to see how much he is willing to prove they love me.

  • The most painful goodbyes are the ones that never said, but my heart already know it's over.

  • He ignores me, but I like him. He does nothing, but I fall for him. I miss him, even though I know he will never care. 

  • We're not afraid to try again, sometimes we're just afraid of getting hurt for the same reason.

  • Forgive me for liking you too much, I’ll forgive you for not liking me enough.

  • There will always be one true love for me to have and hold. It maybe not the one I expected, but it's the one I deserve.

  • The worst feeling in the world is when I can't love anyone else cos my heart still belongs to the one who broke it.

  • Love is when we find someone better, yet we stay with the same person we promised to spend forever with. 

  • It's not that we aren't meant to be together, I think that we're just not ready for forever.

  • I won't tie my heart to a person who doesn't care. I'll let it go, it might hurt for a while but when I get over it, I'll see it's better.

  • I want someone who's worth it. Someone different. I just need someone that makes me laugh. No lies, no drama .

  • Don't waste your tears crying over someone who doesn't even deserve to see you smile.

  • I don't want to live my life alone, but I also won't settle for someone who makes me feel like I'm alone when I'm with them.

  • We are afraid to care to much, for fear that the other person does not care at all.

  • No one gets tired of loving. You just get tired of waiting, assuming, hearing lies, apologies, and hurting.

  • Now I lay here, daydreaming on your chest.

  • If you just realize what I just realized then we'd be perfect for each other and will never find another.

  • Never settle for being someone's "other" when you have the potential to be someone's "only".

  • Every girl loves staying up late talking to that one special boy. 

  • Rumors are carried by haters,spreaded by fools and accepted by idiots.

  • We enter the world alone,we leave the world alone,so itz better to be alone.

  • We can forget the life which we lived before,but it is very painful to forget the life which we were dreaming to live.

  • Every girl is beautiful;ut just takes the right man to see dat.

  • Every minute is a gift,dats y we call it "present".

  • Im tired of fighting;I want to be fought for..!!Im tired of caring,I want to be cared for!Im tired of bring just me,i wanna be urz..!!

  • The worst part about break up is realizing every single dream you built with him. You can do nothing but move on alone. 

  • To keep a girl you have to: 1) Keep your promises. 2) Be romantic no matter what. 3) Be honest with her 100% of the time.

  • Know God, know peace. No God, no peace.

  • We can never forget two face in our life..1)the one who hold our hand at difficult times 2)the other who left us alone at difficult times.

  • Express yourself to someone who cares for you,not to someone who needs you,because care is personal commitment and need is personal requirement.

  • Sometimes you miss only one person but it feels like the whole world is empty.

  • Dont search for eyes which never want to see you;but dont ever try to escape from the eyes which are always searching for you.

  • Sometimes situation makes you to hate someone;but dont hate that person ..just hate that situation..!! nobody is bad,situations makes a person bad..!!

  • Forgiving ppl who have hurt you is your gift to them.Forgetting ppl who have hurt you is your gift to you.

  • The things you see with your eyes are not always real..some things are  only visible with faith.

  • Keep your mouth closed until your mind is clear.

  • At some point you have to realise that some ppl can stay in ur heart ;but not in ur life.

  • Silence is not only absence of sound but stillness of the mind.

  • You cannot easily drop a person out of ur mind especially when he/she leaves a special mark in ur heart.

  • Everything which we want ,always comes after we stop looking for it.

  • Days begin with hopes & ends with dreams.Everyday starts with some expectation;but everyday surely ends with some experience.Its life.

  • Out of all toys,ppl choose feelings to play with.

  • When ur mood is not good without any reason,u r definitely missing someone who existed in ur life of someone u wish to have existed.

  • Attitude reloaded-->there are only two uncommon reasons for us to be on earth.Hell cant bear us..Heaven cant afford us.

  • The only ppl u need in ur life r the ones who need you in theirs.

  • If u have love,you dont need to have anything else and if u dont have it,it doesnt matter much wat else u have.

  • Dont waste ur affection to a wrong one who is not responding..but dont miss to kip ur affection to the right one who respects it.

  • God puts ppl in ur life for a reason and removes them for a better reason.

  • The feeling when I'm with you is the exact reason why i never gave uo you when everyone else said to stop trying.

  • Be soft and cool like water.so u can adjust anywhere in life.Be hard and attractive like diamond..so no one can play with your emotions..

  • Most ppl are good at breaking hearts;but still there are few who are good at picking up the pieces.

  • If u laugh really loud,if u talk spontaneously,and if u dont care what ur face looks like,u r probably with ur best frnd.

  • Not every person in this world has the fate to cherish the fullest form of love.Some are born just to experince an abbreviation of it.

  • Some people are like clouds. When they disappear, it's a brighter day.

  • Relationships these days: One male, one female, one trying to mess it up & one friend secretly hoping it ends.

  • A smile gives red color to ur cheeks,white to ur teeth,pink to ur lips,silver to ur eyes..so keep smiling & enjoy the colors of life.

  • If u get less messages from me,its not dat im busy or i forgot u..its only becoz i cudnt find a msg whch is worth as you.

  • Even God doesnt like the hardness of tongue and heart.Dat's y he made them boneless.

  • Our hopes should be like hair and nails.No matter how many times they get cut,but they never stop growing.

  • Never rely on someone to make you happy...coz when they are gone,u will only be left alone with sadness.

  • Each one is lucky if they have 1 person in life,who excuses before you explain,waits forever when u say just one minute,stays with you wen u say leave me.

  • Some pains can be easily relived by the care we show;the same pain will increase if no one cares;especially the most loved people's.

  • The longer u satre at the phone before picking the call,bigger the lie u tell after picking it up.

  • Reflection cant be seen in boiling water.Same way truth cant be seen in a state of anger.Analyse before u finalise.

  • Sometimes i don text u first coz i dont want to feel like im annoying you.

  • Its hard to forget about a person that did u wrong wen u had so many good memories with them.

  • Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what ur mind already knows.

  • The entry of new persons can make ur life beautiful,but this will not fill the place of missing ones.

  • I give up not becoz i hav stopped caring.Im jus tired of getting hurt.I mean nothing to you.

  • The worst feeling is when someone make you feel spl,then suddenly leaves you hanging and hav to act like you dont care.

  • When a very sweet and close person goes too far from us,v may say or not say..but our heart sayd to their heart.."u made me alone".

  • Heart feels much pain when the loved ones move closer to others,never give this pain to whom loves you

  • The hardest thing in life is to explain the reason why u care about someone.It is like trying to explain the taste of water.

  • U cant change how ppl treat you or think about you.All u can do is change how u react to it.

  • When u look back,i hope u regret treating me dat way.

  • The problem with gals is that they believe guys who giv us the sweetest words they never really mean.

  • You cant lose wat u never had,u cant kip wat is not urz,u cant hold on to something dat doesnt want to stay.

  • At one point, ur  replaced by the person whom u think wont replace you.

  • Dear myself,gotta stop the tears ,gotta stop the regrets,gotta stop the doubts..coz everything will be alright.

  • A lie is a lie even if every1 belives it;and a truth is the truth even if nobody belives it.

  • Society is funny.They ask you to be urself and yet they judge you.

  • Its easy to belive someone when they tell u exactly what u wanna hear.

  • A boy will offer you pleasure ,but a man will offer you future.

  • Ever notice,when ur trying to forget about something,everywer u turn thers always something dat reminds u of it.

  • Ppl now a days r like bluetooth;if u stay close,the stay connected.and if u go away,they find new devices.

  • Half the truth is more dangerous than a full lie.

  • She felt spl until she saw him talk to every gal the same way.

  • Never make a bit of gap between ur dear ones,coz u will never b able to bear the pain wen dat gap is filled by some1 else in their life instead of you.

  • If a person stops getting angry on you,its clear dat u hav lost ur position in dat person's life.

  • Life is not about ppl who act true to ur face,its abt ppl who remain true behind ur back.

  • Everything in the world is beautiful depending on the context. A school beel sounds irritating at 9am ..but the same sounds melodious at 4pm.;)

  • Keep correcting ur little mistakes;coz nobody slips down by the hills,but just slips by little stones.

  • May b its hard to forgive,but to trust again is the hardest.

  • Lean on me,Im stronger than you think.

  • Money doesnt buy happiness,but it pays my inetrnet bill..which is almost the same thing.:P:P

  • A secret is wat u tell every1 not to tell anyone else.:P

  • Usually the ppl who make the biggest impact in your life,stay for the shortest time.

  • When the relation is new,ppl find reasons to talk and meet.But as it becomes old,ppl find excuses to avoid.

  • Maturity is when a person hurts you and u try to understand their situation and dont hurt them back.

  • Going to sleep in tears coz nothing is right.Waking up wit a smile and acting right.

  • Sometimes i regret being nice,apologising wen i didnt do anything wrong and for making unworthy ppl a priority in my life.

  • You never make an effort to talk to me,ignore me and dont reply to my msgs & later blame it on me.Wow,its always my fault right?

  • Relationships are worth fighting for,but you cant be the only one fighting.

  • We never knw y v like some1 more than others,y v love some1 without any reason,y v feel happy thinking abt their presence..coz some feelings has no explanations or definitions..

  • No matter how down u may be..ther will always b some1 who will unintentionally make u smile again.

  • Its hard to care for a friend when you knw dat 1 step forward will make u fall i love and 1 step backward will drop ur frndship.

  • Life is really too short to waste on some1 who makes u forget how to smile.

  • As i close my eyes,darkness fills the air,solemn ambience everywhere..anomally is wat i feel skin in senseless mind is useless heart is helpless.

  • Respect the feelings of ppl who touched ur heart..coz u will never knw when they will walk out of ur life and never come back.

  • Life is so unfair.!st it gives us so much time to be together so that v can knw each other..& wen v knw each other well, v hav no time 2 b together.

  • My door was closed when you came in, don't walk off and leave it open.

  • I'm just another promise you can't keep.

  • Unexpected text messages from the person you care about can have a positive affect on your body & instantly improve your mood.

  • People say 'hate' is such a strong word, yet they throw around 'love' like its nothing.

  • A single lie discovered is enough to create contagious doubt over every other truth expressed.

  • When my headphones go in, my life is automatically a music video.

  • You have to accept the fact that some people will never fit into your life, no matter how much you want them to.

  • Those who are heartless, once cared too much.

  • People make mistakes & bad choices but that's a part of growth. If you're not learning then you're not growing.

  • Girls are like an abstract painting. Even though you may not understand it, it is still beautiful.

  • It's like you wait until I'm happy again, and then you decide to walk right back into my life.

  • Laughing at your own texts before you send them because you’re just that stupid.

  • I let someone that reminded me of you hurt me again, guess I didn't learn nothing.

  • She acts like it is fine when things fall apart, but one strength of a woman is the ability to hide her feelings.

  • EX means: thanks for the EXperience….our time has EXpired…..now EXit my life.

  • When a girl decides that she 
  • wants to be your Best friend,
  • more than your Girlfriend,…
  • .It means that She is afraid of 
  • Losing You.

  • These days when 1 thing goes wrong in a relationship, people think about replacing the person instead of fixing the problem.

  • I wish I could go back and say everything I kept inside.

  • Planning things in my head, hoping one day it happens.

  • It's like you have to be strong for everybody else, but they forget to ask if you're okay.

  • I hate when my kindness is immediately mistaken with flirting.

  • You have the key to my heart. But don’t take it for granted. . . I can always change the lock.

  • Dont take me for granted.Im unlike others.Im not afraid to walk away.

  • Evryone has some1 dat they regret having a relationship with.Just try not to make the same mistake twice.

  • Its better to break ur own heart by leaving ,rather than having dat person break ur heart everyday ur with them.

  • When we trust a person,we think they r with us forever to share our problems but time reminds us that those tasty fruits are only seasonal.

  • Everything in life cant make u happy,everything cant make u satisfied.But ther's one thing wch makes u feel nice,dat is care 4 u in some1's eyes.

  • I always try to kip everybody happy all the time..but nobody recognises me when im alone.

  • The only person you should try to be better than is the person u wer yesterday.

  • Relationship lasts longer when everybody doesnt know ur business.

  • A lot of ppl r single cos they value their peace of mind.Unhealthy relationships can also b stressful.

  • Behind every beautiful girl is the ugly relationship that made her scared to love again.

  • Never under estimate the pain of the person,coz in all honesty,everyone is struggling.

  • Everything is valuable before getting it and after losing it.

  • Over affection and care on a person will lead to lot of pain in the heart.

  • Ignore those ppl who always talk behind your back.That's where they belong,just behind your back.

  • Dont allow your wounds to turn u into a person you are not.

  • Its hard to trust someone the second time around after they already gave you the reason not to trust them.

  • Never assume that someone likes you by your sweetness..Sometimes you are just an option when they are bored.

  • The heart that knows how to bow down and say sorry is the heart that loves the most.

  • I love your feet only because they walked upon the earth and upon the wind and upon the waters,until they found me.

  • A child asked God:If everything is already written in our destiny,then why pray? GoD smiled and said:May b in few places i have written "As ur wish".

  • I dont want to be ur favourite or ur best,I want to be your only and forget the rest.

  • Somedays,I break.

  • Itz not very hard to sacrifice everything for someone..but its hard to find that someone who respects ur sacrifice.

  • Stop believing the liars,trusting the backstabbers and loving the heart breakers.

  • Make yourself as hard as u can;Coz no one will b with u to share ur pain always.

  • Our finger prints cannot b erased from the lives of those we have touched.

  • A stone is broken by the last stroke of hammer.This doesnt mean the first stroke is useless.Success is a result of continuous efforts.

  • When u have a good heart,u help too much,u trust too much,u give too much,u love too much & it always seems u hurt the most.

  • Behave royal and smart with everyone..but always behave local and silly with ur dear ones.Its a beautiful secret of life.

  • Each night I put my head to my pillow ,I try myself Im strong bcoz I have gone one more day without you.

  • Dont always adjust with others in life.Find sometime & enjoy being yourself bcoz true relationship never break when u be urself.

  • It’s better to have nobody, than to have someone who is half there, or doesn’t want to be there.

  • Some reasons make relationships precious.But only precious relationships are made with no reasons.

  • My pain may be the reason for somebody's laugh.But my laugh will never be the reason for somebody's pain.

  • No god's not testing your patience.He wont give what will destroy you or give you anything until you are ready to..!!

  • Losing hope before the last minute is the worst decision ever taken,because every passing minute is another chance to turn it all.

  • Im not heartless;after some experiences in life,I just use my heart less..!!